Sunday, March 1, 2015


Welcome to my blog

    This blog contains about cartoons that show the characteristics and various cultures in Indonesia. Not just to complete my coursework in STMIK Amikom, Hopefully with this blog I can preserve the culture of the country of Indonesia through the medium of multimedia in the form of a cartoon.

    In this blog I may not only put a cartoon, but both, the history of animated cartoons in Indonesia, the nation works in the field of animation, and perhaps my works that might arguably quite ugly ... hahahaha: D

    In the case of jamming my blog included in the class of beginners who do not know any thing about a blog, then from the comments and criticisms are needed for this blog in order to be a blog that has a very good quality. In other words, please do not refrain to comment on my blog, in order to achieve the best results.

    Thank you,


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