Thursday, March 5, 2015



Animation is stir-shaped image of a set of objects (images) are arranged in a regular follow the movement that has been determined at each increment count the time that happened. Images or objects referred to in the above definition could be a picture of human, animal, or in writing. In the process pembuatannyam animation creator or better known as the animator must use logical thinking to determine the flow of motion of an object from the initial state to the final state of the object. Careful planning in the formulation workflow based logic proper motion will produce animation that interesting to watch.

Here are a few types - types of animation that much in use in the entertainment industry:

1. Animation Cells (Cell Animation)

The word "cell" is derived from the word "celluloid", which is the material used to make a motion picture at the beginning. Now, the film material is made of acetate (acetate), instead of celluloid. Animation piece created on a piece of acetate or cell (cell). Cell animation is usually the sheets that form a single frame of animation. Animation cell is a cell that is separate from the background sheet and a cell for each independently moving objects on top of the background. These sheets allow the animator to draw back and separate the parts of the image that changes between successive frames. A frame is made up of cells and cell background on it. For example, an animator wants to make a character walk, first he drew a background sheet, then make the character will run on the next sheet, then makes creating a character when the foot is lifted and finally make a character stepped foot. In between the sheets (frames) can disipi character animation effects that run it smoothly. Frames are used to menyisipi gaps called keyframes. In addition to the processes and terminology keyframe animation and tweening cells by layering can be made with computer animation.
Here is an example of Figure Animation cells.

2. Animation Frame (Frame Animation)

Frame animation is a form of animation The Simple paled. Diupamakan Anda has a picture book The Serial Bank Audited sequentially. When the thumb Anda open book New Articles FAST, then FIGURE look Moves. Computer ON multimedia, animation showing a nil book DRAWING The FAST sequentially. Between IMAGES One (frame one) New Articles FIGURE other (Other frame) different. If kita imagine how the film screened at Cinema ATB ITU, then can kita understand how Bhakti Ocean Way Employees Cooperative more animation frames GOOD In, a film, a series of frames Moving through New Media Film projector speed of about 24 frames per seconds. We can capture the motion on screen for each frame contains one image to appear on the screen so the frame Concerned Appear. Why 24 frames per seconds? Because the speed of the ITU is Threshold, less the language of the ITU So What Will kita see on screen is blurred images.
Here is an example of an animated picture frame.

3.Animasi Sprite (Sprite Animation)

New articles similar sprite animation animation techniques ATB, ie objects Yang placed and animated at the top charts New Articles Rear silent background. Sprite is any part of the language of animation Anda Engaged independently, eg Good Birds fly, planert rotates, the ball bouncing or rotating logo. Animated Sprite And The Moving as an independent object.
In, animated sprites, a single or sequential FIGURE can be pinned in, sprites. Sprites can be animated in, one client for the open position, as well as the planet rotates or bird Moving Along a straight line. New Articles sprite animation different animation frames, Illustration each frame sequence, Anda only can improve the language of the screen Yang containing sprite. Anda can not fix part in, The displayed screen for each frame, such Anda Who can do TO animation frames.
Here is a sample image sprite animation.

4. Animation Path (Path Animation)

Path animation is animation of object movements follow a predetermined trajectory line. Examples of this kind of animation is animation train moving in the rail track. Usually in an animation path given looping animation, so animation repeated until it reaches a certain condition. In Macromedia Flash, animations obtained with this type of path animation techniques, this technique uses a separate layer which is defined as the object motion trajectory.
Here is an example of an animated image Path.

5. Animation Spline (Spline Animation)

Spline is a mathematical representation of the curve. When an object moves, usually do not follow a straight line, for example in the form of curves. Computer animation program allows you to create animated spline with a curved trajectory movement. To define a spline animation, you first position at a point of departure. The curve itself past the point of departure. Starting point to define the start and end points of the different parts of the curve. Each point of departure can be controlled so as to allow you to change the shape of the curve between two points of departure.
Most of the animation program allows you to create variations of movement along the trajectory. If a motion path has a sharp turn, as an example of an object moving slowly follow the curves and then increase speed after passing the turn. Some programs provide sprite speed controller is advanced along the path.
Here is a sample image of animated spline.

6. Animation Vector (Vector Animation)

Similar vector animation New Articles animated sprites. ON animated sprite using a bitmap for sprites, animated vector using Mathematical formulas to describe the sprite. Formula similar initials New Articles The formula illustrates a spline curve. Moving objects vector animation makes New Articles SIBOR Edge-Base varying parameters, the direction and length of line segments ON What determines the object. Macromedia is the leading industry in, a vector-based animation software. The developed software Macromedia Flash uses vector graphics to create interactive animations well as graphics for use on the web. Macromedia has published a Flash file format (. .swf) As a standard Terbuka.Untuk more information, follow the links Macromedia Flash website, where you can visit a Web page gallery which contains flash animation Flash and download for free for a period of 30 days separate experiments .
Here is an example of animated vector images.

7. Animation Clay (Clay Animation)

Animation is often referred to as an animated doll (dolls). This animation was created using clay dolls or other material that is moved slowly, then every movement dolls photographed in a row, after the shooting process is completed, the series of pictures executed in a certain speed to produce a unique animated motion. Examples of the application of this animation is the movie Chicken Run of Dream Work Pictures. This animation technique which became the forerunner of making 3-D animation using computer tools.
Here is an example of a clay animated images.

8. Character Animation (Character Animation)

Character animation is a specialized branch of animation. Sort of character animation you see in cartoons. Ni animation is different from other animation, motion graphics animation of the example involving complex organic shapes with penggandan that much, hierarchical movement. Not only the mouth, eyes, face and hands are moving but all movements at the same time.
Although to create a single animation and bitmap easy, but to make animated characters live and convincing is an art that requires special consideration in pengerjaanya. This technique can also be applied to an animated object. Perankgat software that can be used for animated characters, including Maya Unlimited. Cartoons Toy Story and Monsters Inc. made with Maya Unlimited.
Here is an example of drawing animated characters.

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