Saturday, March 7, 2015



“Besarnya Peluang Bisnis Dibidang Multimedia”

    Di Indonesia peluang bisnis dibidang multimedia sungguh besar, namun sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia masih belum mengetahui potensi yang sangat bagus dari hal tersebut. Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat akan peluang bisnis multimedia dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain :

Friday, March 6, 2015

Multimedia Business

Multimedia Production Business

In an age of information technology, the data into objects that can be processed into information in various forms for various purposes. Well, this multimedia production business which work began and word processing, graphics, and audio and video software to create multimedia CDs. The purpose of this production can be used to introduce / promote business services / goods that we are familiar with the company profile. Replace or business go hand in hand with the promotion of conventional use of printed material.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Father Of Indonesian Comics

Raden Ahmad Kosasih

    Raden Ahmad Kosasih (born in Bogor, West Java, 4 April 1919 - died in Tangerang, Banten, July 24, 2012 at the age of 93 years) is a writer and famous comic draftsman of Indonesia. Generation of comics today considered as the father of Indonesian Comics.

Comic developments in Indonesia

Comic developments in Indonesia

Long before the era of reform, comics already quite developed in Indonesia. In the past, before the Indonesian comics influenced by foreign styles, comic Indonesia has its own drawing style.

History Of Comics (Cartoon) in Indonesia

A glimpse of the history of comics Indonesia

Comic, comic book or cartoon is a fairly major ones in the community, especially among teenagers and children, comics or with a term known picture story (comic) consists of a text or narrative that serves as an explanation of dialogue and storyline.



Animation is stir-shaped image of a set of objects (images) are arranged in a regular follow the movement that has been determined at each increment count the time that happened. Images or objects referred to in the above definition could be a picture of human, animal, or in writing. In the process pembuatannyam animation creator or better known as the animator must use logical thinking to determine the flow of motion of an object from the initial state to the final state of the object. Careful planning in the formulation workflow based logic proper motion will produce animation that interesting to watch.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

History of Cartoon in Indonesia

History of Cartoon in Indonesia

    In the case of Indonesia is also highly developed animation, puppet era to era of 3D today. Animated History of Indonesia began to be known since the discovery of Cave Painting who talked about the game or things mystical. Puppet which is the forerunner of the birth of animation Indonesia. Initially for the Interest Politics Since 1933 in Indonesia, many local newspapers that run ads Walt Disney.